   |  Guild info on defender of the crown. A gamma level warrior guild.   |   
   |            ---------------------------------------------             |   
   |                              [Level 01]                              |   
   |                   New Skills: weapon skill shield                    |   
   |                              [Level 03]                              |   
   |                     New Skills: unbalancing blow                     |   
   |                              [Level 04]                              |   
   |                       New Skills: shield parry                       |   
   |                              [Level 05]                              |   
   |                      New Skills: motion control                      |   
   |                              [Level 06]                              |   
   |                         New Skills: riposte                          |   
   |                              [Level 07]                              |   
   |                        New Skills: willpower                         |   
   |                              [Level 10]                              |   
   |          New Skills: shield deflection and defensive stance          |   
   |                                                                      |   
   |            ---------------------------------------------             |   
   |              Required guilds needed to join this guild:              |   
   |                          Maxxed in warrior.                          |   

Defender Of The Crown guild members are taught the basics in combat defense and protection with a shield. They learn the beginning skills involved in using a shield for defense, as well as offense.

Help on skill          :  Weapon skill shield
Guild Level            :  Gamma
Skill type             :  Combat
Base Experience Cost   :  940
This skill allows a player to master the use of shields, allowing him
to get an efficient extra shield bashing attack at his opponent.
Created By             :  Sigwald

Help on skill          :  Unbalancing blow
Guild Level            :  Gamma
Skill type             :  Attack
Average damage         :  Under average
Damage type            :  Physical
Ep Cost                :  202
Using time             :  3 rounds
Affecting skills       :  shield fighting
Affecting stats        :  str
Base Experience Cost   :  974
This skill allows the fighter to use his shield to make a violent bashing blow
in order to unsettle his opponent. Knowledge of shield fighting skill greatly
enhance the effects of this skill.
This skill using time varies somewhat.
Created By             :  Sigwald, Samael

Help on skill          :  Shield parry
Guild Level            :  Gamma
Skill type             :  Combat
Base Experience Cost   :  1316
This skill allows a fighter wielding a shield to use it to block blows with it.
Created By             :  Sigwald

Help on skill          :  Motion control
Guild Level            :  Gamma
Skill type             :  Mastery
Base Experience Cost   :  1428
People can be trained to perfectly control their movements in order to optimize
their actions and accomplish some tasks faster than ordinary mortals. This skill
is not as successful in combat as when the user is not involved in combat, for
fighting tends to monopolize all the user's attention and impairs control.
Created By             :  Sigwald

Help on skill          :  Riposte
Guild Level            :  Gamma
Skill type             :  Combat
Base Experience Cost   :  1176
This skill allows expert defenders to turn a successful parry into an offensive
maneuver. With careful control and a flick of the wrist the master blocks a hit
and can hit his foe!
Created By             :  Pavilion

Help on skill          :  Willpower
Guild Level            :  Gamma
Skill type             :  Combat
Base Experience Cost   :  1598
With years of training of both his body and mind, an experienced
fighter can learn to focus his will strongly to sometimes ignore
the aftermath of stunning blows.
Created By             :  Sigwald
It can be trained up to 10 percent of your skill max at level 7.
It can be trained up to 25 percent of your skill max at level 8.
It can be trained up to 40 percent of your skill max at level 9.
It can be trained up to 60 percent of your skill max at level 10.

Help on skill          :  Shield deflection
Guild Level            :  Gamma
Skill type             :  Combat
Base Experience Cost   :  1457
This skill allows the fighter to use a shield in order to partially
deflect some distant attacks, including some magical attacks.
Created By             :  Sigwald, Samael

Help on skill          :  Defensive stance
Guild Level            :  Gamma
Skill type             :  Protection
Protection category    :  General
Average duration       :  Extremely high
Number of stacks       :  1
Ep Cost                :  402
Using time             :  4 rounds
Base Experience Cost   :  739
With this skill the warrior can form a defensive stance which will lower the
amount of both outgoing and incoming damage. This skill is only usable by those
who train primarily as warriors. 
Created By             :  Snoop