   |   Guild info on blacksmith. A gamma level warrior, lurker, martial   |   
   |            ---------------------------------------------             |   
   |                              [Level 01]                              |   
   |           New Skills: appraise item and material gathering           |   
   |                              [Level 02]                              |   
   |                     New Skills: merge materials                      |   
   |                              [Level 03]                              |   
   |                       New Skills: hammer blow                        |   
   |                              [Level 04]                              |   
   |              New Skills: repair armor and repair weapon              |   
   |                              [Level 06]                              |   
   |                       New Skills: ground pound                       |   
   |                              [Level 07]                              |   
   |           New Skills: weapon repairing and armor repairing           |   
   |                              [Level 08]                              |   
   |                  New Skills: mastery of the hammer                   |   
   |                              [Level 10]                              |   
   |                   New Skills: art of blacksmithing                   |   
   |                                                                      |   
   |            ---------------------------------------------             |   
   |              Required guilds needed to join this guild:              |   
   |                   Maxxed in one of the following:                    |   
   |  martial artist, warrior, abjurer, elemental, evoker, necromancer,   |   

There is currently no description for this guild.

Help on skill          :  Material gathering
Guild Level            :  Gamma
Skill type             :  Mastery
Base Experience Cost   :  1370
This skill increases your chances of collecting raw materials from enemies after
they die.
You can use set no_materials and unset no_materials to toggle if you want the
monsters to drop materials or not.
Created By             :  Cebby

Help on skill          :  Appraise item
Guild Level            :  Gamma
Skill type             :  Miscellaneous
Ep Cost                :  146
Using time             :  3 rounds
Base Experience Cost   :  672
This skill allows a blacksmith to estimate how many raw materials he or she
would need to repair an item.
Created By             :  Cebcurg

Help on skill          :  Merge materials
Guild Level            :  Gamma
Skill type             :  Miscellaneous
Ep Cost                :  292
Using time             :  4 rounds
Base Experience Cost   :  672
This skill allows a blacksmith to merge all of the materials he or she has in
their inventory into one lump to avoid taking up too much room.
Created By             :  Cebcurg

Help on skill          :  Hammer blow
Guild Level            :  Gamma
Skill type             :  Attack
Average damage         :  Average
Damage type            :  Physical
Ep Cost                :  336
Using time             :  3 rounds
Affecting skills       :  mastery of the hammer
Affecting stats        :  str
Base Experience Cost   :  1344
A blacksmith, being skilled in the use of the hammer, can focus his or her
strength into a single blow that can crush their foes with massive damage.
Created By             :  Cebcurg

Help on skill          :  Repair weapon
Guild Level            :  Gamma
Skill type             :  Miscellaneous
Ep Cost                :  438
Using time             :  15 rounds
Affecting skills       :  art of blacksmithing, weapon repairing
Affecting stats        :  dex
Base Experience Cost   :  772
The skill of repairing weapons, used by generations of blacksmiths and passed
down through years of experience.
Created By             :  Cebcurg

Help on skill          :  Repair armor
Guild Level            :  Gamma
Skill type             :  Miscellaneous
Ep Cost                :  464
Using time             :  15 rounds
Affecting skills       :  art of blacksmithing, armor repairing
Affecting stats        :  dex
Base Experience Cost   :  772
The skill of repairing armors, passed down through generations of blacksmithing.
Only the most skilled of blacksmiths can truly master this art.
Created By             :  Cebcurg

Help on skill          :  Ground pound
Guild Level            :  Gamma
Skill type             :  Area
Average damage         :  Under average
Damage type            :  Physical
Ep Cost                :  300
Using time             :  4 rounds
Affecting skills       :  mastery of the hammer
Affecting stats        :  str
Base Experience Cost   :  873
Blacksmiths can use this skill to pound the ground beneath them with a mighty
blow, sometimes stunning their enemies with the tremor.
Created By             :  Cebcurg

Help on skill          :  Weapon repairing
Guild Level            :  Gamma
Skill type             :  Mastery
Base Experience Cost   :  1428
This skill furthers your knowledge of weapons and how they are created, greatly
increasing your skill as a blacksmith in repairing them.
Created By             :  Cebcrug

Help on skill          :  Armor repairing
Guild Level            :  Gamma
Skill type             :  Mastery
Base Experience Cost   :  1428
This skill enhances your knowledge of armors, allowing you a greater chance of
successfully repairing them as a blacksmith.
Created By             :  Cebgurc

Help on skill          :  Mastery of the hammer
Guild Level            :  Gamma
Skill type             :  Mastery
Base Experience Cost   :  1198
The knowledge of hammers and how they are used in battle by the greatest of
Created By             :  Cebcurg

Help on skill          :  Art of blacksmithing
Guild Level            :  Gamma
Skill type             :  Mastery
Base Experience Cost   :  1484
Knowledge passed down through centuries on the careful and meticulous art of
repairing armors and weapons. With this knowledge, one will be able to repair
equipment with less material, faster, and more efficiently once mastered.
Created By             :  Cebcurg